Creating proposals from budgets

To create a proposal from a budget:

  1. Open 6-9 Proposals.

  2. Using the data control bar, select a specific job.

    Important! Only four of the buttons in the data control activate areas in 6-9 Proposals: First, Previous, Next, and Last.

    The Display Lookup drop-down arrow displays the Accounts ReceivableLookup window, and the detail button displays the 3-5 Jobs (Accounts Receivable) window.

  3. In the Phase list, click the phase.
  4. Under Proposal Basis, click Cost Codes.
  5. On the Options menu, point to Import and click Budget.
  6. In the Overhead/Profit by Cost Type dialog box, enter the overhead and profit rates for each cost type. Then click OK.
  7. Adjust the individual amounts to reflect what you want to charge the client.
  8. Click File > Save.


  • To reapply the overhead and profit rates, delete the current proposal and import the budget again.
  • If you anticipate changes and want to preserve the current proposal, set the original proposal.